Sunday, 9 December 2012

A Haiku Triangle

Four Seasons - Haiku 1.
 Love writing haiku
Can say such a lot of things
With very few words

Take seasonal change;
Describing an autumn day
Leaves changing colour

Or a winter scene
Snow and ice and chilly days
And cosy log fires

Then along comes Spring
Trees in blossom, birds nesting
New life everywhere

Summer, golden days
of holidays, laughter and
Christmas down under

Wanda Had A Little Lamb - Haiku 2.
When I was younger
I had this little pet lamb
Her name was Milly

One day, after school
Went outside to play with her
and she wasn’t there

Asked Mum where she was
Mum told me to go ask Dad
He said she’s left home

I said “Why Daddy?”
He said “I’ll tell you later
Let’s go have dinner”

We sat down to eat
I said “ yum what’s for dinner?”
“Lamb chops” said Mummy

Eureka, I Have It! - Haiku 3.
 Suddenly, a thought
appears out of nothing much;
changing perception.

Changing perception
creates a ripple effect
changing history

Changing history
is just simply the fallout
from a sudden thought.


  1. Oh if changing history was that easy...

  2. The lesson in things past is to learn from it - often we don't and the loss is very sad!..
