Thursday, 24 January 2013

Poetry - My Life

I’m in a moment on my own, just thinking how the years have flown

I ask myself what have I done – that’s brought a change to anyone

The answer comes in very clear, the one thing that I hold so dear
My friends tell me I have a gift that always gives their lives a lift

I write, and when I’m in that space, there is no other time or place
I live and breathe in poetry, the one true thing that sets me free

I think that I have always known, that depth and passion in a poem
Changes words from ordinary, into extraordinary

Inspires thoughts, expands the mind, word imagery clearly defined 
Emotional, historical, political, rhetorical 

Whilst trying to wax lyrical, some even are hysterical,
The darker side of life is there, tormented souls in deep despair

Some may be borderline insane, through poetry reveals the pain, 
Classical, contemporary, even revolutionary

There’s those who write in torrid verse, to some a blessing, some a curse
However one may view that style, it never fails to bring a smile

Always there is that special part, exclusive to my seeking heart
Those loving verses sweet to me, found in romantic poetry

Poetic friendship never ends, I’ve made some truly lovely friends 
Nurtured by our art with care, those friendships always will be there 

It would be nice to really know when it becomes our time to go
Like poets from another time, we all may live on through our rhyme

My poetry gave me a life, relieved me from all stress and strife
Whatever the future may bring, I owe my poetry everything

1 comment:

  1. Your poetry is a thing of beauty.
    A joy to my day.
    Keep writing and publishing...
