Friday, 22 February 2013

It's Just Another Trip

We make many mistakes travelling through life
-things we never take time to think through
In a moment of madness, oft triggered by strife..
But in living life that’s what we do

In our twenties we’re young, for the most part quite dumb
‘cos there’s plenty of time to get real
All the baby stuff’s gone but grown up’s yet to come
When we’re young, having fun’s the big deal

Then one day we wake up and the thirties are here
-and we’re in these relationship things 
Looking up suddenly all the fun’s disappeared
-and we're in stuff reality brings 

Then along come our forties and it's not so bad..
-sort of settled and kids growing too
And we still can remember those fun days we had
with our friends back in the day we knew

In our fifties we’ve got all this time on our hands
all the kids have finally left the nest
But it’s just temporary – along come the grands
-say farewell to that well deserved rest.

In the sizzling sixties we’ve come to the peak
We’ve gone past all the worries and fear!
Just keep warm, take the meds and endure the odd creak
-cos’ it’s really all downhill from here!.


  1. It isn't uphill and it's not downhill.
    And it's not boringly flat.
    It's just how I want it and that's that...

  2. Ha ha ha, my friend. Truly spoken. Except, although said tongue in cheek, our sixties, downhill? We are the 'new age' sixties in our forties again. And being in this era, we are, compared to many 'new age 'who are in their 80's - 90's feeling in their 60's. Yes we are living longer, so move over all ye' young 'uns.

  3. Hahaha it's sitting around with those lovely old ducks at the marae and listening to their korero...they crack me up but there is such a lot of wisdom in their humour.
