Saturday, 6 April 2013

A Space In Mind

There’s another life we build
that’s exclusive to we
Helping us to build this life 
is Serendipity
Everything important to our heart 
is gathered there
Special thoughts and precious dreams, 
are put in place with care

No-one is allowed to come
inside unless we say
We and Serendipity 
both planned it out that way
It’s a place within a space 
was built for us alone
Lessons learned from past mistakes
have helped create this zone

We believe that everyone
is looking for a space
When the troubles of the world
become too hard to face
It's never very far away;
nor is it hard to find
this place that's owned by everyone
is the kingdom of the mind.


  1. You must have been listening in on my thoughts of late. Thanks for expressing them since I can't!
