Thursday, 25 April 2013


(For My Dad 1918 - 1993)

Over the years my Dad spoke of his life
Things that he did before he took a wife 
The one thing I'll always remember him say
Don't wait for tomorrow, be happy today

His stories were mainly of his growing years
The struggles, the hardship, the laughter, the tears
The one thing I always remember him say
There’s never tomorrow, there’s only today

He went overseas and he fought in a war
He never spoke much on the things that he saw
But one thing I'll always remember him say
There was no tomorrow, there was just today

I asked "in the war were you ever afraid?"
I knew that for many a high price was paid
He'd think for a moment then quietly say
We had no tomorrow, we just had today

I guess from his wisdom I’ve learned a few things
To live for each day and accept what it brings
So if someone asks for my guidance I’ll say
Just forget tomorrow, and live for today.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice. Your father was a smart man.
    You could do what he says...
